fwbd3,35, Weiße Stadt

fwbd3,35, Weiße Stadt,

fwbd3,35, Weiße Stadt, 2, Öl auf Öl auf Leinwand, 60 x 80 cm, 2009. Die Stadt Rom war bei meinem ersten Besuch 1981 eine überwiegend „weiße Stadt“ geblieben, im Sinne des Begriffes für ein unerforschtes Gebiet auf einer Landkarte, was mit dem schlechten Erlebnis zu tun hatte, dass ich dort in Folge eines heftigen Streits mit meinem Freund in Badekleidung und ohne Geld aus seinem Auto ausgestiegen war, so dass ich nicht in der Stimmung war, kulturell bedeutende Plätze und Bauten anzuschauen und stattdessen zu Fuß viele Kilometer in die Richtung ging, von der ich vermutete, dass sie der Norden war, um dann per Autostopp erst einmal wieder nach Pescara zu kommen, wo mein Gepäck lagerte.

fwbd3,35, White Town,2, oil on canvas, 60 by 80 cm, 2006. After my first visit in 1981, the city of Rome remained an almost “white town” to me, just like an unexplored region on a map. The reason for this feeling was a heavy  dispute with  my then-friend, and I got off his car  in my bathing costume and without any money. In that situation I was not in the mood for visiting culturally important sites or buildings, instead I was walking many kilometres in the direction I assumed was north and finally got back to Pescara by hitchhiking, where my luggage was. In complete contrast to my former love affaires everything that has to do with my painting is a pure history of success. In the meantime, the original of my “White Town” was purchased  by the municipality of Stallhofen, as a present for the local home for the elderly.

fwbd3,35, Città bianca, olio su tela, 60 x 80 cm, 2006. La città di Roma restava “la tela bianca” per me quando l’aveva visitata per la prima volta nel 1981. In conseguenza di una lite  grave col mio amico scendevo dalla sua macchina in costume da bagno e senza soldi.  Allora non mi sentivo in condizione adeguata a visitare i posti ed edifici celebri. Invece di quello andavo a piedi molti chilometri in direzione del nord, almeno dove io lo supponevo. Riuscivo per  autostop ad arrivare à Pescara la dove avevo il mio bagaglio. In Contrastate le mie relazioni d’ amore di prima, sono quelle in contesto della mia pittura l’ unica storia dello successo. L’ originale della “città bianca” l’ avevo comprato la comune di Stallhofen per regalo al circolo degli anziani.