fwbd4,08, Brombeeren. Öl auf Leinwand, 60 x 80 cm, 2012. In der Gegend dort herrscht reges Nachtleben. Die Wände bei uns in der Rebengasse waren hellhörig, der Bau mitsamt seinen Mauern irgendwie durchsichtig. Uns störten die anderen damals nicht, aber wir oft die anderen. Die Nachbarin von unten rief wegen jeder noch so kleinen Feier bei uns an, und wenn wir Gäste mit Musikinstrumenten hatten, reagierte sie mit Telefonterror, aber auch, wenn ich allein in der Wohnung war, rief sie an und erkundigte sich, welche Schuhe ich trüge. Dass ich „keine“ sagte, fand sie ungeheuerlich, denn barfuß mache den meisten Lärm.
fwbd4,08, Blackberries, oil on canvas, 60 x 80 cm, 2010. Nightlife in that area was vey busy. The walls of our flats in Rebengasse were thin, the whole building somehow transparent. The others did not bother us but we upset them. The neighbours from downstairs would call whenever we were having a little party and when we had invited people playing instruments she would terrorize us with her calls. However, when I was alone at home, she would call and ask what type of shoes I was wearing. When I said I was not wearing any she was outraged because she was of the opinion that barefoot was loudest.
fwbd4,08, More. Olio su tela, 60 x 80 cm, 2010. Quel quartiere è noto per una vita notturna piuttosto vivace. Le pareti di casa nostra nella Rebengasse erano dall’udito fine, tutto il palazzo malgrado i muri in un certo qual modo trasparente. Noi non ci sentivamo disturbati dagli altri allora, gli altri da noi, però, sì. Ogni festicciola a casa nostra significava telefonate dalla vicina di sotto. Se poi qualche ospite suonava uno strumento, ci tempestava di telefonate, ma anche quando ero sola in casa telefonava per sapere che scarpe portassi. Che girassi a piedi nudi le sembrava inaudito, visto che scalzi si fa ancora più rumore