fwbd4,18, Fahrt durch Bartalucci, Öl auf Leinwand, 70 x 90 cm, 2010. Ich hatte den Wunsch, möglichst viele Dörfer aus der Nähe anzusehen, aber meine Auftraggeberin hatte kein Verständnis dafür, und immer, wenn ich auf einem Hinweisschild den Namen eines Dorfes las, hatte sie nur eine abfällige Bemerkung. Da wäre nichts, da sagten sich nur die Füchse Gute Nacht. Gerade deswegen interessiere mich das Dorf, aber es war schon wieder in der Dunkelheit. Auf der Strecke durch das nächste Waldstück war ich noch in Fahrt mit meinen Klagen über alles, was ich ihrer Einkauftouren wegen zu sehen versäumte, waren tatsächlich zwei Füchse eben dabei, die Straße zu überqueren. Sie wisse schon, wovon sie rede, sie kenne die Gegend wie ihre Westentasche, und sie erinnerte mich wieder daran, dass sie mich nur dazu eingeladen hatte, ihr Haus zu malen.
fwbd4,18, Journey through Bartalucci, oil on canvas, 70 x 90 cm, 2010. I wanted to see as many villages as possible up close, however my commissioner was unsympathetic to it, and whenever we came across a direction sign with the name of a village she dropped a snide remark: there was nothing to see in the middle of nowhere. That was precisely why I was interested in the village but it had already disappeared in the dark and we were going through a piece of forest. I was still complaining about what I missed because of her shopping expedition when two foxes crossed the road. She said she knew what she was talking about, after all she knew the area like the back of her hand and she kept reminding me that the only reason I was there was to paint her house.
fwbd4,18, Attraversando Bartalucci, olio su tela, 70 x 90 cm, 2010. Avevo il desiderio di vedere da vicino più paesini possibili, ma la mia committente non mi capiva. Ogni volta che leggevo il nome di un paese su un cartello stradale, faceva commenti sprezzanti. Era un posto da niente, sperduto nel nulla.( In capo al mondo o, come si dice in tedesco, dove la volpe e la lepre si danno la buona notte.) Proprio per questo mi interessava quel paese, ma era già ricascato nel buio. Attraversando il bosco adiacente continuavo a lamentarmi per tutto quello che mi perdevo a causa delle sue spedizioni ai vari centri commerciali, quando due volpi attraversarono la strada. Sapeva il fatto suo, disse, conosceva bene la zona, e mi ricordò che ero stata invitata solo per dipingere la sua villa.