fwbd3,22, Turm, c

fwbd3,22, Turm, c,

fwbd3,22,Turm, c, Öl auf Leinwand, 40 x 60 cm. Der spannende Text zwischen den Fachbegriffen handelte von den Gründen für eine bauliche Unterbrechung oder von einem Brand im Jahr sowieso, in dem dieser und jener Turm niedergebrannt und eventuell in einem späteren Stil wiederaufgebaut werden musste. Aus diesen häufig notwendigen Veränderungen gerade an den Türmen, die immer stärker gefährdet sind als die anderen Bauteile,
schließe ich, dass gar nicht genug Türme als Erinnerungsbilder gemalt werden können..

fwbd3,22, Tower, oil on canvas, 40 by 60 cm.  The exciting parts of the lectures were when we heard why construction works were interrupted, or were told about a fire in a certain year. Those fires always destroyed at least one of the towers which then had to be rebuilt, sometimes in a later style. Because of this numerous changes, especially at the towers, always more in danger than the other parts of the building, I conclude that there never can be too many paintings of towers.

fwbd3,22,Torre, olio su tela, 40 cx 60 cm. La parte interessante fra le termine di architettura era il racconto sui motivi per cui il processo di edificare venne interrotto. Un  brucio nel anno X aveva distrutto la torre dell’ovest à sinistra e veniva ricostruito anni tardi. Un brucio nell’anno Y aveva distrutto la torre dell’ ovest à destra. Eccetera. La mia conclusione degli cambiamenti necessari delle torri sempre in pericolo era quella che non si possono dipinti mai troppo spesso.