fwbd3,32, Gasse in Strasburg

fwbd3,32, Gasse in Strasburg,

fwbd3,32, Gasse in Strasburg, 40 x 50 cm, 2007. An meiner beschönigenden Ansicht von Strasburg aus dem Gedächtnis, wo ich am Tag nach der Veranstaltung im September 2007 ins Zentrum spaziert bin, stimmt das Querformat für die prächtig ausladende Gasse. In der Realität waren mehrere Gebäude in der Nähe des Doms gerade Baustellen und die Geräusche der Stadt von Presslufthämmern übertönt. In der späteren Abgeschiedenheit meines Ateliers haben sich die Bilder in mir wieder in die lautlosen Töne der Farben verwandelt.

fwbd3,32, Lane in Strasbourg, oil on cardboard and wood, 40 by 50 cm. I painted this oblong format picture out of my glorifying memory of the bright lane in the centre of Strasbourg, where I took a walk after an event in September 2007. In reality, in the centre around the cathedral, there where a lot of buildings in renovation, people were working and the noise of their jackhammers was drowning the sounds of the city. Later, in the silence of my studio, the pictures inside me retransformed into the soundless values of colours.

fwbd3,32, Viale a Strasburgo, olio su cartone e tavola, 40 x 50 cm, 2007.  Dipingendo il quadro che sarebbe più bella della realtà l’ho fatto a memoria. La serata dell’inaugurazione della mostra sono andata in giro fino al centro di Strasburgo, dov’è il duomo. Per via ci erano molti cantieri col rumore adatto degli martelli pneumatici. Ritornata a casa le immagini dentro di me si sono trasformati a tinta silenziosa.