fwbd4,53, Port in Trieste, oil on canvas, 60 x 80 cm, 2011. The view onto the sea does not necessarily lead into vastness. To demonstrate that I wanted to do an acquaintance of mine, who already has some paintings by me, a favour and painted him an picture of the port of Santa Cristina, near Trieste. The painting, however, was too direct for his liking, as he had this very picture, or a similar one, in his head and probably a hundred photos of it. Now I have this picture and I rejoiced in painting the many masts. As a variation I painted a miniature in which I deliberately omitted the ships’ holds and only painted the masts.
fwbd4,53, Port in Trieste, oil on canvas, 60 x 80 cm, 2011. The view onto the sea does not necessarily lead into vastness. To demonstrate that I wanted to do an acquaintance of mine, who already has some paintings by me, a favour and painted him an picture of the port of Santa Cristina, near Trieste. The painting, however, was too direct for his liking, as he had this very picture, or a similar one, in his head and probably a hundred photos of it. Now I have this picture and I rejoiced in painting the many masts. As a variation I painted a miniature in which I deliberately omitted the ships’ holds and only painted the masts.
fwbd4,53, Il porto di Trieste. Olio su tela, 60 x 80 cm. La vista sul mare non si perde necessariamente nel nulla. Per dimostrarlo dipinsi un quadro del porto di Santa Cristina vicino a Trieste. Era per un conoscente che possiede già alcuni miei quadri. Però lo trovò poi troppo diretto, perchè quell‘ immagine o una simile l‘ aveva già in testa e forse anche su centinaia di foto. Ma io ora ho questo quadro, e devo dire che ho dipinto con gioia tutti gli alberi delle barche a vela. Ne ho fatto poi anche una miniatura, eliminando tutte le barche, lasciando solo gli alberi.