fwbd4,54, Rijeka, Trsat

fwbd4,54, Rijeka, Trsat,

fwbd4,54, Rijeka Trsat, Öl auf Karton und Holz, 43 x 53 cm, 2012. Der Ausblick vom Burgberg in Rijeka geht über die Dächer der Stadt und hinunter zum Hafen. Von der umgekehrten Richtung aus gedacht, hat man aus der Ferne von Rijeka nur den Blick auf die Hochhäuser am Stadtrand, was keineswegs einladend anmutet, und ohne meine ehemaligen Nachbarn Ingrid und Pablo, die mich nach Rijeka Trsat eingeladen hatten ,wäre in mir die Stadt Rijeka nur unter diesem Eindruck von Hochhäusern mit Industriehafen geblieben.

fwbd4,54, Rijeka Trsat, oil on cardboard and wood, 43 x 53 cm, 2012. From the castle hill in Rijeka you have a view of the roofs of the city down to the harbour. Thought from the inverse direction, from the distance you have a view of the high-rise estates on the outskirts of Rijeka, which does not seem appealing. Without my former neighbours Ingrid and Pablo, who had invited me to Rijeka Trsat, I would have kept this impression of high-rise estates and industrial harbour Rijeka in mind.

fwbd4,54, Rijeka Trsat. Olio su cartoncino e legno, 43 x 53 cm. Dalla Rocca del castello di Fiume, lo sguardo spazia sui tetti della città fin giù al porto. Dalla direzione opposta invece, di Fiume si vedono solo i grattacieli alla periferia, una vista poco invitante, e se non fosse per i miei ex-vicini Ingrid e Pablo, che mi avevano invitata  a Rijeka Trsat,  di Fiume avrei notato solo grattacieli e il porto industriale.