fwbd7,01, Treppenkulisse,

fwbd7,01, Treppenkulisse,Öl auf Leinwand, 40 x 80 cm

fwbd7,01, Seit ich mein Atelier im Erdgeschoss hatte, waren meine Räume groß, aber dunkel, und ich kam zu allen Gelegenheiten außerhalb der Wohnung zu warm angezogen daher. Ich verbrachte dort mehr Zeit im Stiegenhaus, als mir lieb war, und im Malen erträumte ich mir schöne Treppenkulissen.

Medium Detours, Colourful Waiting, Volume 7, English: Irmgard Zaff;

fwbd7,01, Scenery with stairs, oil on wood, 40 x 80 cm. Since I had my studio on the ground floor, my rooms were large but dark, and I used to be too warmly dressed whenever I left the apartment. I spent more time in the stairwell than I would have liked. While painting, I dreamed of beautiful staircases.

Deviazioni più o meno lunghe. Attesa colorata. Volume 7. Italiano: Regina Leoni

fwbd7,01, Scenari di Scale, olio su legno, 40 x 80 cm. Da quando avevo il mio studio al pianterreno, le mie stanze erano grandi ma scure e ogni volta che uscivo mi trovavo troppo coperta.  Passavo tanto tempo  nella tromba delle scale e dipingendo mi sognavo dei bellissimi scenari di scale.