fwbd7,25, Hotel Autopark


fwbd7,25,Hotel Autopark, Öl auf Leinwand,38 x 78 cm. Bei der Rückkehr ins Hotel Autopark Novoli, das genauso ist, wie der Name klingt, hatte ich die Vorstellung, wir würden kurz im Zimmer ausruhen, bevor wir wieder hinausgehen könnten. Wieder im Freien kam ich mit Gina bis in den Hotelpark, wo sie schon nach wenigen Schritten in Sitzstreik trat. Das Vormittagsprogramm war offenbar zu heftig gewesen. Da ist dann nichts zu machen.

fwbd7,25, Hotel Autopark, oil on canvas, 38 x 76, cm. When I returned to the hotel Autopark Novoli, which was exactly as it sounded, I had the idea that we would rest briefly in the room, before we could go out again. Outside then, we only got as far as the hotel park, where Gina went on a sit-down strike after just a few steps. The morning program had evidently been too intense. It couldn’t be helped.

fwbd7,25. Hotel Autopark, olio su tela, 38 x 76 cm. Al nostro ritorno all’albergo Autopark Novoli, che tra l’altro è proprio cosi come dice il suo nome, pensavo di poter riuscire dopo una breve pausa relax in camera.  Ma dopo alcuni passi nel parco dell’albergo Gina si mise seduta e non c’era piì verso di farla muovere. Il programma mattutino era stato troppo impegnativo, a quanto pareva. Pazienza.