fwbd7,64, Ich dachte an mediterrane Felder im kräftigen Sonnenlicht, an den Hängen sanfter Hügel, mit einigen Häusern vor den Kuppen, zwischen hochwachsenden grünen Pflanzen und Bäumen, vielleicht Zypressen oder Oliven. Die Namen der einzelnen Dörfer klingen oft so einladend, dass ich unbedingt sehen will, wie es dort aussieht.
fwbd7,64, View to Battignano, oil on canvas, 50 x 60 cm. I was thinking of Mediterranean fields in the strong sunlight, on the slopes of gentle hills, with a few houses below the tops, between tall green plants and trees, maybe cypresses or olives. The names of particular villages often sound so inviting that I really want to see what it looks like there.
fwbd7,64. Battignano, olio su tela, 50 x 60 cm. Stavo pensando a campi mediterranei sotto la forte luce del sole, sui pendii delle dolci colline, con qualche casa in cima tra alte piante verdi e alberi , forse cipressi o olivi. I nomi dei vari paesini sono talmente invitanti che voglio assolutamente andare a vederli.