fwbd7,67, Inzwischen gibt es eine Reihe von Gründen, warum ich aus dieser mir allein viel zu großen Wohnung ausziehen will. Ich wartete noch auf die Bienen, während ich sie in Wirklichkeit in diesem Frühling schon versäumt hatte, wie ich von den Nachbarn im Nebengarten erfuhr. Aber immerhin waren noch einzelne Nachzügler am Werk, die ich im Geiste portraitiert habe, um sie im freudigen Malen die Hauptdarsteller auf meinem roten Bild werden zu lassen.
fwbd7,67, Spring meadow with two bees, oil on canvas, 58 x 58 cm. Meanwhile, there were a number of reasons why I wanted to move out of this much too large apartment. Yet, I was waiting for the bees, but in reality, I had already missed them this spring, as I learned from the neighbours in the next garden. But at least there were still some latecomers at work which I portrayed in my mind in order to let them be the main actors in my red picture in joyful painting.
fwbd7,67. Prato Primaverile con Api, olio su tela, 58 x 58 cm. Ormai ci sono tanti motivi per voler lasciare questa casa troppo grande per me sola. Aspettavo ancora le api mentre in realtà le avevo perse questa primavera, come ho saputo dai vicini. Comunque c’era al lavoro ancora qualche ritardataria che io ritrassi nella mia testa per poi farle apparire come protagoniste sul mio quadro rosso che dipingevo con grande gioia.