fwbd7,75, Via Valfonda


fwbd7,75, Via Valfonda, Öl auf Leinwand, 20 x 112 cm. Auf unserem langen Marsch von heute Vormittag sind wir in eine falsche Gedächtnisspur geraten. Die Via Valfonda führt, fast in der geraden Verlängerung in unsere alte Via del Fiume. Dort hatten wir ein stimmiges Quartier, in dem ich alles hatte tun dürfen, nur den Hund nicht allein im Zimmer lassen. Ich hatte deswegen in diesem Zimmer gemalt, eine Landschaft mit Teich, die ich nach der Gasse „Via il Fiume“ genannt hatte.

fwbd7,75, Via Valfonda, oil on canvas, 20 x 112 cm. Regarding our long walk this morning, we were misled by old memories. The Via Valfonda leads straight ahead to our old Via il Fiume. There we had had a convenient situation. In our room I had been able to do anything apart from leaving the dog alone there. That was why I had painted there and it was a landscape around a pond, which I later called Via il Fiume.

fwbd7,75. Via Valfonda, olio su tela, 20 x 112 cm . Sulla nostra lunga marcia di stamattina la memoria ci ha ingannate. Via Valfonda porta quasi diritta alla nostra Via del Fiume.  Lì una volta avevamo un alloggio ameno dove potevo fare di tutto tranne lasciare Gina sola in camera. Perciò avevo dipinto in quella stanza, un paesaggio con stagno che ho intitolato appunto „Via il Fiume“.