fwbd3,27, Dorf im Westen

fwbd3,27, Dorf im Westen,

fwbd3,27, Dorf im Westen, 60 x 90 cm, 2008. Während ich in einem der Dörfer in einem Dorfgasthof neben der Dorfkirche auf einen Kaffee einkehrte, kam ein Auto mit Außenlautsprechern und wilder Musik an. Sein Fahrer setzte sich kurz darauf an meinen Nebentisch. Er war der Dorfmechaniker, wie seinen Gesprächen ins Handy zu entnehmen war. Er musste die Delle an meinem Auto rechts vorne gesehen hatte. Er sagte  zu mir, er sei der beste Mechaniker weit und breit und äußerst günstig. Das dachte ich mir schon, sagte ich und ich würde eventuell auf ihn zurückkommen, sobald ich genug zusammengespart hätte.

fwbd3,27, Village in the West, oil of canvas, 60 by 80 cm, 2007.  When I went into the village inn to have a coffee, a car arrived which had an exterior loudspeaker and the music particularly loud. The driver was the mechanic of the village. He sat down at the table next to me and started talking very loudly into his mobile phone. He obviously wanted to attract my attention as he had noticed the dent on the right front side of my car. When I was leaving, he said to me that he was the best mechanic for miles around and very reasonable. “I have thought so” I said, and added that I would save up and might come back to his offer later.

fwbd3,27, Villaggio nell’ ovest, olio su tela, 60 x 80 cm, 2007.  Mentre stavo in una locanda in uno dei miei villaggi, arrivò una macchina che aveva l’ altoparlante fuori. Il conducente entrò e si sedette al tavolo accanto a me. Da quanto raccontavo al suo telefonino fortemente, si sapevo (tutti deducevano) che era il meccanico. Doveva aver visto l’ ammaccatura alla mia macchina in fronte a destra. Sono il meccanico ottimo nei dintorni, mi disse, e a buon prezzo. C’era da immaginarselo, dissi, e non appena che avrò abbastanza soldi ritornerò sulla sua offerta.