fwbd4,41, Blick nach Dänemark, Öl auf Karton und Holz, 25 x 28 cm, 2009. Bisher war ich noch nicht in Dänemark, aber ich habe ein Vorstellungsbild davon. Das schon fast konkret ist, seit ich in Rendsburg bei Gisela Stibill war und sie mir bei einem Ausflug an die Ostsee vom Meeresstrand aus zeigte, wo auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite der Bucht das Festland von Dänemark beginnt. Als ich Kind war, hatten wir dänische Gäste, die uns jeden Sommer besuchten und die an uns Kindern einen Narren gefressen hatten, und uns alle sieben zu kleinen Ausflügen abholten. Sie lobten uns dafür, dass wir uns nie stritten, obwohl wir so viele sind und erfuhren nie, dass wir uns nur vertrugen, weil sie gerade da waren und uns das sagten.
fwbd4,41, View of Denmark, oil on cardboard and wood, 25 by 28 cm, 2009. I have not been to Danmark yet but I have an idea of it. My vision has been nearly concrete since I went to see Gisela Stibill in Rendsburg. We went on an excursion to the Baltic Sea and from the beach she showed me where the Danish mainland would begin on the other side of the bay. When I was a child, there were some Danish customers who came to see us every summer and who doted on us children and used to fetch the seven of us to go on an excursion. They would praise us for not arguing although we were so many and they never knew that we were only getting along with each other because they were they and were praising us.
fwbd4,41, Sguardo a Danimarca, Olio su cartone, 25 x 28 cm, 2009. Non sono ancora stata in Danimarca, ma ho in me una immagine di questo Paese. Questa immagine si era fatta più concreta da quando ero stata a Rendsburg da Gisela Stibill. Con lei avevo fatto una gita: dalla spiaggia sul Mar Baltico mi aveva mostrato dove, dall’altra parte della baia, cominciava la Danimarca. Quando ero una bambina avevamo degli ospiti danesi che ci facevano visita ogni estate. Andavano pazzi per noi bambini e ci portavano tutti e sette a fare delle gite. Ci lodavano per il fatto che non litigavamo mai, nonostante fossimo in tanti. Ma non vennero mai a sapere che ci comportavamo così bene solo perché loro erano presenti e ci lodavano in quel modo.