17, Stillleben mit Knoblauchpresse, Öl auf Leinwand, 50 x 100 cm, April 2001. Wenn mein Bildgegenstand eine Knoblauchpresse ist, bedeutet das, dass ich eigentlich in Gesellschaft essen wollte, diese dann aus irgendwelchen Gründen nicht zustande kam. Die ersten Knoblauchpressen malte ich in Wien Simmering, wo ich einen Monat lang in Michis Wohnung wohnte. Sie war damals frisch verliebt und ein geplantes gemeinsames Essen wurde von Anfang bis Ende Juli auf den nächsten Abend verschoben, bis ich wieder nach Hause fuhr. Die nächste Knoblauchpressenwelle kam mit Franz, der mit den für uns eingekauften Lebensmitteln von einem Gasthaus ins nächste zog. Seit ich Knoblauchpressen male, kann mir keiner mehr was anhaben, der mich mit dem Essen versetzt.
17, Still Life with Garlic Press, oil on canvas, 50 cm by 100 cm, April 2001, Whenever the subject of one of my paintings is a garlic press it means that I actually wanted to have a meal in the company of someone and that this did not take place for some reason or other. I painted the first garlic presses in Vienna-Simmering where I was staying in Michi’s flat for one month. At that time she was newly in love and a planned dinner with her was postponed to the following evening, from the beginning to the end of July until I finally went back home. The next bigger wave of garlic presses came with Franz who was wandering from one pub to the next carrying the food we had bought for dinner. Since I have been painting garlic presses nobody has been able to get at me when I am left alone for a meal.
17, Natura morta con spremiaglio, olio su tela, 50 x 100 cm, aprile 2001. Quando il soggetto del mio quadro è uno spremiaglio, vuol dire che veramente avevo intenzione di mangiare in compagnia che poi però non si è fatta vedere.I primi spremiaglio li ho dipinti a Vienna -Simmering dove per un mese ho abitato a casa di Michi. Lei allora aveva appena trovato un nuovo amore e una cena progettata tra noi due fu rimandata di giorno in giorno dall‘ inizio fino alla fine di luglio finchè ritornai a casa. La prossima grande ondata di spremiaglio venne con Franz, che con la nostra spesa faceva il giro di tutte le osterie. Da quando dipingo gli spremiaglio nessuno mi può più ferire dandomi un bidone.