fwbd3,40, Türkise Gasse mit endloser Treppe, Öl auf Leinwand, 60 x 80 cm, 2006. Ausgelöst von einer Bilderzustellung in eine Wiener Anwaltskanzlei, zu der mir der Weg endlos schien vom weit entfernten Parkplatz, mit meinen Bildern schwer beladen und Gina an der Leine mit ihrem Zick-Zack, wenn sie mich machtlos weiß, und am nächsten Tag noch einmal von Neuem, weil ich mein Band mit der Terminverschiebung nicht abgehört hatte, hab ich beschlossen, Susannes Kommentar, das halte jung, lustig zu finden und in weiterer Folge möglichst alt zu werden.
fwbd3,40, Turquoise Lane with Endless Stairway, oil on canvas, 60 by80 cm, 2006, Delivering paintings from a distant parking space to a lawyer’s office in Vienna, the way seemed endless to me with my heavy load and my dog Gina on the lead. As always when I need my energy for something else she preferred to zigzag and to pull with all her strength. Before I had left there had not been time to listen to my mailbox, and I therefore I did not know that the date of delivery had been postponed. So I repeated my manoeuvre the next day. Later I decided to laugh about Susanne’s comment that carrying my paintings across the town would keep me young, but at the same time I wished to get as old as possible.
fwbd3,40, Viale turchese con scala infinita, olio su tela, 60 x 80, 2006. Iniziata dal trasporto dei quadri a un’ avvocato à Vienna, siccome mi pareva infinita la distanza dal parcheggio fina all’ ufficio portando pesantemente e il cane al guinzaglio che si muove a zigzag quando si accorge la minima debolezza da mia parte. E da capo tutto ciò la giornata prossima, perché non avevo sentito il messaggio sul registratore che la consegna sarebbe rinviata. Mi farebbero stare giovane i frequenti trasporti, diceva Susanne. Io invece ne penso che la gente si sentirebbe ancora più giovane se si muovano a una certa leggerezza.