fwbd7,10, Abendausgang,2,

fwbd7,10, Abendausgang,60×80

fwbd7,10, An Abendausgänge war aber auch schon damals nicht zu denken. Da war ich beim zweiten Ankommen in Ferrara vom Hotel bis zum Dom- Gelände gekommen, das dem Eingang genau gegenüberlag, in den gepflasterten Innenhof, die abendliche Beleuchtung anschauen und gleich wieder zurück ins Hotelzimmer. Jetzt zuhause ist es nicht anders, unser Aktionsradius verkleinert sich in ruckartigen Abständen.

fwbd7,10, Evening walk to the city centre. Oil on canvas, 60 x 80 cm. Even then, going out in the evening, was out of the question. When I arrived in Ferrara for the second time, we only managed to walk from the hotel to the cathedral area, which was exactly opposite the entrance of the hotel, into the paved inner courtyard. We looked at the evening lighting and immediately went back into the hotel room. Being back home, it is the same – our radius of action is decreasing in jerky intervals.

fwbd7,10. Passeggiata Serale in Centro. Olio su tela, 60 x 80 cm. Ma già allora,  passeggiate serali erano fuori discussione. Il nostro secondo soggiorno a Ferrara ci vide arrivare giusto fino al Duomo, direttamente di fronte all’albergo, nel cortile lastricato, a vedere l’illuminazione serale, per tornare subito in camera. Adesso, a casa, non è molto diverso. Il campo di azione si restringe in intervalli irregolari.