fwbd7,14, Via Guidoni,

fwbd7,14,ViaGuidoni, Öl auf Leinwand, 40×80

fwbd7,14, In der Höhe der Via Guidoni gab es auf der uns gegenüberliegenden Straßenseite ein Einkaufszentrum, und dort entdeckte Gina unseren Reisebegleiter. Er hatte mir vor dem Frühstück einen Busfahrplan überreicht, und mir eröffnet, dass er für sich ein eigenes Sightseeing- Programm vorhatte. Nach der gemeinsamen Kaffeepause im Eingangsbereich des Einkaufszentrums, bewegte sich Gina wieder normal mit mir weiter.


fwbd7,14, Via Guidoni, oil on canvas, 40 x 80 cm. At the height of Via Guidoni there was a shopping centre on the opposite side of the street, and it was there that Gina discovered our travel companion. Before breakfast he had given me a bus schedule and told me that he had his own sightseeing program in mind. After the coffee break together in the entrance area of the shopping centre, Gina continued to move normally with me. 15, Row of houses along twenty bus stations, oil on canvas and wood, 14 x 108 cm. At the bus stop, a bus had again just left, which was an indication for walking on, and as a result we just caught the middle of the intervals at each station. On the way I counted the buses that passed us until I forgot the previous number.

fwbd7,14. Via Guidoni, olio su tela, 40 x 80 cm. All’altezza di Via Guidoni c’era un centro commerciale dove Gina scorse il nostro compagno di viaggio. La mattina mi aveva consegnato un orario degli autobus dicendo di avere già predisposto il proprio tour della città.  Dopo un caffè nell’ingresso del centro commerciale, Gina e io proseguimmo per la nostra strada.