7,23, Via Guidoni, Rückweg,

fwbd7,23, via-guidoni-rueckweg,20×29

fwbd7,23, Via Guidoni, Rückweg, Öl auf Holz, 19 x 30 cm. Mit dem zweiten 22er Bus hatten wir Glück, er hielt näher in der Mitte, wo wir gewartet hatten. Der war gesteckt voll. Zu Fuß Richtung Zentrum waren wir ja fast immer nur geradeaus gegangen. Der Bus aber bog in verschiedene Straßen ab, was eine kurvige Strecke ergab. Ob mit oder ohne Haltegriff, ließen sich die Fahrgäste ganz selbstverständlich und gleichzeitig nach rechts und in der nächsten Kurve nach links schwingen. Mein Hund ist mitgerutscht und hat nur so geschaut. Wir sind nach meiner Schätzung der Anzahl der Stationen ausgestiegen, gesehen habe ich von drinnen nichts, aber an einer Station, an der viele Leute an die Ausstiege drängten, vermutete ich das Einkaufszentrum von heute Früh. Dass wir Schwarz gefahren sind, ist mir erst im Freien eingefallen. Ich wäre auch zu keinem Automaten durchgedrungen, um eine Karte zu lösen.

fwbd7,23, Via Guidoni, way back, oil on canvas, 14 x 108 cm. We were lucky with the second number 22 bus, it stopped closer to the middle, where we had been waiting. It was crowded. When walking to the centre, we had kept straight on, but now the bus turned into different streets, which resulted in a winding route. Whether the passengers were holding on to a handle or not, they were swinging quite naturally and simultaneously to the right and to the left, following the turns of the bus. My dog was slipping along with them and was just looking. We got off according to my estimate of the number of stops. I did not see anything from inside, but at a station, where many people were pushing towards the exits, I suspected the shopping centre from this morning. Only after we had got off, I realised that I had dodged the fare. I wouldn’t have got at a ticket machine anyway.

fwbd7,23. Via Guidoni, Via di Ritorno, olio su tela, 14 x 108 cm.  Con il secondo bus numero 22 fummo più fortunati, si fermò più vicino a noi. Era pieno zeppo.  Venendo al centro a piedi avevamo tirato quasi sempre diritto. Il bus però svoltava in varie stradine, il percorso era molto movimentato. Aggrappati o no , i passeggieri si lasciavano dondolare una volta a destra e poi a sinistra, in perfetta sincronia. Il mio cane si è adattato scivolando a occhi sgranati. Dopo un tot di fermate, grossolanamente calcolato alla cieca, scendemmo a una fermata dove scendevano in molti. Pensavo si potesse trattare del centro commerciale che avevamo visto la mattina. Che fossimo senza biglietto lo realizzai solo sul marciapiede. Sarebbe stato anche impossibile arrivare alla macchinetta per comprarne uno.