fwbd7,54, Hotel Italia in Triest,

fwbd7,54, Hotel Italia in Triest, Öl auf Leinwand, 60 x 60 cm

fwbd7,54, In Vorbereitung auf meine nächste Wohnung, die ich mir kleiner vorstelle, als diese überdimensionale hier, lichte ich meine Regale aus. Einen Skizzenblock aus dem Jahr 2004 hatte ich ab der fünften Seite in ein Tagebuch umfunktioniert. Vorne waren die Skizzen, die ich von dem Fensterblick im Hotel Italia in Triest gezeichnet hatte und später vergaß, so wie ich auch dieses Hotel vergessen hatte. Der Aufenthalt dort war nur so kurz, dass ich in diesem Zimmer nicht viel mehr getan hatte, als eben den Ausblick zu skizzieren, und nur durchs geschlossene Fenster, weil es dort enorm laut war. Es lag an einer stark befahrenen Kreuzung und an der Zufahrtstraße zum Krankenhaus. Mein Hund reagierte immer mit Wolfsgeheul auf einsetzendes Sirenengeräusch. Es ging dort einfach nicht, und wir übersiedelten in die Pensione Centrale, die von da an unser passendes Quartier in Triest war.

fwbd7,54, Hotel Italia in Trieste, oil on canvas, 50 x 50 cm. To be prepared for my next apartment, which I imagined smaller than this oversized one, I was clearing out my shelves and found a sketch pad from 2004 where only the first five pages were filled. I decided to use it as a diary. On the first five pages were the sketches that I had drawn of the view through the window of the Hotel Italia in Trieste and which I later forgot, just like I had forgotten this hotel too. I was staying in that room for such a short time that I did no more than sketching the view, and only through the closed window, as it was extremely noisy there. The hotel sat at a busy crossroads and on the access road to the hospital. My dog always responded to the sound of a siren with howling. It just didn’t work there, and so we moved to the Pensione Centrale, which was more suitable for us and from then on, we regularly stayed there when being in Trieste.

fwbd7,54. Hotel Italia a Trieste, olio su tela, 60 x 60 cm. In previsione di un altro trasloco, in una casa che immaginavo più piccola dell’enorme appartamento attuale, smisto gli scaffali. Un blocco notes  per i miei schizzi del 2004 era diventato diario.  Sulle prime  quattro pagine c’erano anora gli schizzi della vista dalla mia camera d’albergo. Dimenticati come dimenticato anche l’albergo. Il soggiorno fu così breve che non feci che buttare su carta la vista dalla finestra. E solo dalla finestra ben chiusa. Si trova su in incrocio molto frequentato sulla strada che porta all’ospedale. A ogni ambulanza che passava il mio cane ululava come un lupo. Non potevamo rimanere, ci trasferimmo nella Pensione Centrale, che  da allora è la nostra dimora triestina.